How to buffer a POST request

From: Mikko Kettunen <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:40:37 +0300


How could I configure squid to buffer whole POST-request before sending
it to peer cache or originserver?

Which functions handle the request buffering?

The reason I'd like to have this possibility is that we have many little
portable devices using very slow modem / GSM / GPRS -connection to other
little embedded web server. The client devices send gathered data (quite
large file versus the connection speed) to the server by POST request.

The server handles quick requests quite well but as there are many
concurrent slow requests coming the same time it seems to stall easily.

I thought I could use squid accelerator in front of the web server
gathering these slow POSTs and then sending them quickly as a whole to
the web server and also buffer the response in a same way.

GET requests are small and not a problem as squid buffers the response
and, if needed, also caches them nicely.

Thanks for any advice or thoughts.

Received on Tue Jun 10 2008 - 10:10:32 MDT

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