mån 2006-05-01 klockan 16:38 +1200 skrev Doug Dixon:
> I assume it's supposed to tell you whether a store entry has been
> modified since the "If-Modified-Since" time specified in the request.
> 1. It's looking at content_length for some reason
Some servers returns this.. but technically we should perhaps not be
looking at it.. (it's not supposed to be there in a 304)
> 2. It's looking at imslen (whatever that is) for some reason
This is the length parameter in the IMS header sent by Netscape and a
few other clients.
If-Modified-Since: HTTP-date; length=NNNN
> What has object length got to do with it?
It's validations the object really is the same. HTTP/1.0+ things from
before ETag.
Now these validations should only take place if the data is known,
completely ignored otherwise.
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