mån 2006-04-24 klockan 13:23 -0600 skrev Duane Wessels:
> I'm happy for Kinkie to host the officialk wiki. I would prefer it
> to be "wiki.squid-cache.org". I agree Moin looks nicer on the outside.
> I did
> like that it used plain text files which meant that we could store
> changes in CVS, but thats minor I guess.
So does MoinMoin.
"simple page storage (moin simply stores exactly what you see in the
editor into a directory that is named like the page)"
Kinkie, would it be possible to set up a rsync access of the wiki data,
allowing it to be internally mirrored to squid-cache.org for backup
purposes to ensure continuance in the unlikely event you should
disappear for some time?
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