Re: threaded fs'es

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 20:46:30 +0100

Kevin Littlejohn wrote:

> I was wondering about this. The way it's coded atm favours getting requests
> into the queue - that will happen as quickly as possible, if there's lots of
> requests completing they doesn't get any help in clearing. If you locked
> instead of trylocking, you'd force a context switch to clear reqs outgoing,
> where appropriate. Given the context switch is bad, I'm happy this is a good
> idea atm. I'm curious as to the effects on a multi-processor machine, where
> the context switch may not be required(?).

Ah, well.. there is a sched_yield() there to make sure some CPU is given
to the threads.. called if there is any requests in the queues.. Yes,
the yield frequency can most likely be optimized quite a bit.

Received on Sat Mar 17 2001 - 12:48:31 MST

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